Debbie Felt's; Preschool, TK,
Kinder Enrichment and
School Age Summer Camp

License# 313607138;

Insured; Experienced and Educated with a

Degree in Early Child Development

How Debbie Felt’s Preschool Came to Be .......We've been serving Lincoln Since 1999........

Debbie Felt was raised in Auburn California and attended Colfax High School, Sierra College and Barclay College for Paralegal Studies. She married Bruce Felt in 1988 and they’ve lived in Lincoln, California ever since that day. They have five children, 10 grandchildren and two more due in Spring and Summer 2023.. When they were first married Debbie worked as a waitress while attending school. Upon completion of school she worked as a Paralegal for nine years out of her home most of the time but there were several hours a week that she was required to attend trial with attorneys or go to the law library and she would be required to leave her children in childcare.

When she was home she often listened to them play while she was in the next room working in her office. While this arrangement was fairly accommodating in that she was able to work from home, rarely was there time where in she had energy to play with her children. She was exhausted from working late hours while they slept in order to take them to school and clean home etc., during the day. There just had to be a better way! And so she prayed…she and her husband prayed hard that she may find alternative way to be an at home mom and continue to supplement the household income. The answer came loud and clear. The best way would be to make her children..... her work. And so …in May of 1999, she opened Debbie Felt’s Childcare. It wasn’t long after she opened she realized there was much more that had to be done than just caring for children.

The children needed enrichment in their lives and she was the one to do it. She returned to Sierra College this time majoring in Early Child Education. She added 26 units to her education, a degree in Early Childhood Development  and enhanced her Childcare program immensely! It was about this time she learned how important space outdoor play was to children. She and her husband purchased 9.8 acres west of Lincoln and moved the business to the FARM.

At the FARM the children had space! It was amazing to see how much better behaved everyone was when given space to explore! From that time forward she continued to master her program/curriculum and offered Childcare, preschool, before and after-school care, summer care and transportation to and from local schools. Whew! Yep! It was exhausting at times. And then in 2016 a decision was made that it is time to simplify life. With the knowledge gained over the years, Debbie has a lot to offer many children. Since 2016, Debbie Felt’s Preschool has specialized in Preschool and Pre-k. We no longer do transportation to local schools. Debbie Felt actually gets to do what she enjoys the most…playing with the children with intentions to teach them and prepare them socially and emotionally for elementary school.